MDU university Rohtak announce distance education program for session 2013-2014.
MDU university Rohtak admission for following program:
B.A.(3 Years), B.Com(3 Years), M.A.(Hindi, Eng., Pol. Science, sanskrit,Pub. Admin., History), M.Sc.(math.), M.Com., B.Lib. and Inf. Sc., M.Lib. and Inf. Sc., BBA and BCA
Student can apply online for these program to visit MDU university official website. The schedule of online admissions without late fee is 15.11.2013, with late fee of Rs. 500/- is 13.12.2013 and with late fee of Rs. 1000/- is 10.01.2014
Some Faq about MDU university rohak distance date
What is the last date of mdu rohtak to apply distance education 2014
15 Nov 2013
What is the last date of mdu university to aplly distance education 2014 with late fees
10 jan 2014
this article about: mdu university rohtak distance admission 2014, admission date for distance education mdu rohtak