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Election Date Announced for five state

Election Date Announced for five state

Today, Election Commision of India announced Assembly Election for five state. Election for Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Chhattishgarh assembly will be held in phase manner.

Election Date of Delhi Delhi have 70 seats for assembly and Delhi is the capital of India. Election date of Delhi is 4 December.

Election Date of Rajasthan: Rajasthan have 200 member assembly seats and Election date of Rajasthan is 1 December.

Election Date of Mizoram: For 40 member assembly seats and Electioon date of Mizoram is 4 December.

Election Date of Madhya Pradesh: Madhya Pradesh have 230 member assembly seats and Election date of Madhya Pradesh is 25 November.

Election Date of Chhattishgarh: Chhattishgarh have 90 member assembly seats and its Election will be held on two phases so, Election date of Chhattishgarh is 11 November and 19 November.

Announcing the poll date by chief election commiosionar VS sampath. Counting in all states will be held on December 8.

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