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MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. 1st Semester Physics

MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. 1st Semester Physics

MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. Physics 1st Semester

Paper I (Mechanics)

Unit-I: Mechanics of single and system of particles, conservation of laws of linear momentum, angular momentum and mechanical energy, Centre of mass and equation of motion, constrained motion, degrees of freedom.

Unit-II:Generalised coordinates, displacement, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force and potential. Hamilton’s variational principle , Lagrange’s equation of motion from Hamilton’s Principle. Linear Harmonic oscillator, simple pendulum, Atwood’s machine.

Unit-III:Rotation of Rigid body, noment of inertia, torque, angular momentum, kinetic energy of rotation. Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes with proof. Moment of inertia of solid sphere, hollow sphere, spherical shell, solid cylinder, hollow cylinder and solid bar of rectangular cross-section. Acceleration of a body rolling down on an inclined plane.


Unit-I: Mathematical Background : Scalars and Vectors, dot and cross product, Triple vector product, Scalar and Vector fields, Differentiation of a vector, Gradient of a scalar and its physical significance, Integration of a vector (line, surface and volume integral and their physical significance), Gauss’s divergence theorem and Stocks theorem.

Electrostatic Field : Derivation of field E from potential as gradient, derivation of Laplace and Poisson equations. Elecotric flux, Gauss’s Law and its application to spherical shell, uniformly charged infinite plane and uniformity charged straight wire, mechanical force of charged surface, Energy per unit volume.

Unit-II: Magnetostatistics : Magnetic Induction, magetic flux, solenoidal nature of Vector field of induction. Properties of B (i) .B = 0 (ii) xB= J. Electronic theory of dia and para magnetism (Langevin’s theory). Domain theory of ferromagnetism. Cycle of Magnetisation - Hysteresis (Energy dissipation, Hysteresis loss and importance of Hysteresis curve).

Unit-III: Electromagnetic Theory : Maxwell equation and their derivations, Displacement Current. Vector and scalar potentials, boundary conditions at interface between two different media, Propagation of electromagnetic wave (Basic idea, no derivation). Poynting vector and Poynting theorem.

keyword:mdu university rohtak syllabus, syllabus of physics

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