MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. Physics 5th Semester. MDU University Rohtak syllabus of 3rd year V Semester.
MDu University Syllabus 5th sem Physics- Paper-I
Unit-I: Crystalline and gallssy forms, liquid crystals. Crystal structure, periodicity, lattice and basis, crystal translational vectors and axes. Unit cell and primitive cell, Winger Seitz primitive Cell, symmetry operations for a two dimensional crystal, Bravais tattices in two and three dimensions.
Unit-II:crystal planes and Miller indices, Interplanner spacing, Crystal structures of Zinc sulphide, Sodium Chloride and diamond, X-ray diffraction, Bragg's Law and experimental x-ray diffraction methods, K-space.
Unit-III:Reciprocal lattice and its physical significance, reciprocal lattice vectors, reciprocal lattice to a simple cubic lattice, b.c.c and f.c.c.Specific heat : Specific heat of solids, Einstein's theory of specific heat, Debye model of specific heat of solids.
keyword: mdu university rohtak 5th sem syllabus physics, physics 5th sem syllabus mdu univerisity