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MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. Physics 4th Semester

MDU University Rohtak Syllabus of B.Sc. Physics 4th Semester

Paper I (Statstical Mechanics)

UNIT-I: Probability, some probability considerations, combinations possessing maximum probability, combinations possessing minimum probability, distribution of molecules in two boxes. Case with weightage (general). Phase space, microstates and macrostates, statistical fluctuations, constraints and accessible States. Thermodynamical probability

UNIT-II: Postulates of Statistical Physics. Division of Phase space into cells, Condition of equilibrium between two system in thermal contact. b-Parameter. Entropy and Probability, Boltzman’s distribution law. Evaluation of A and b. Bose-Einstein statistics, Application of B.E. Statistics to Plancks’s radiation law, B.E. gas

UNIT-III: Fermi-Dirac statistics, M.B. Law as limiting case of B.E. Degeneracy and B.E., Condensation. F.D. Gas, electron gas in metals. Zero point energy. Specific heat of metals and its solution.

Papre-II (Optics)

UNIT-I: Interference by Division of Amplitude :Colour of thin films, wedge shaped film, Newton’s rings. Interferometers: Michelson’s interferometer and its application to (I) Standardisation of a meter (II) determination of wave length. Fresnel’s Diffraction : Fresnel’s half period zones, zone plate, diffraction at a straight edge, rectangular slit and circular apperture.

UNIT-II: Fraunhoffer diffraction : One slit diffraction, Two slit diffraction, N-slit diffraction, Plane transmission granting spectrum, Dispersive power of a grating, Limit of resolution, Rayleigh’s criterion, resolving power of a telescope and a grating.

UNIT-III: Polarization :Polarisation and Double Refraction, Polarisation by reflection, Polarisation by scattering, Malus law, Phenomenon of double refraction, Huygen’s wave theory of double refraction (Normal and oblique incidence), Analysis of Palorised light :Nicol prism, Quarter wave plate and half wave plate, production and detection of (i) Plane polarized light (ii) Circularly polarized light and (iii)Elliptically polarized light, Optical activity, Fresnel’s theory of rotation, Specific rotation, Polarimeters (half shade and Biquartz).

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