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Birth certificate required to write the name of five hundred rupees- Rewari News

Rewari News Online

If you want to register your name in Birth certificate you have to paid five hundred rupees. If you dont believe read Rewari news online below

Basduda village primary health centers were enrolled in the child's birth certificate ALM young man asked for 500 rupees. The young man refused to fight with. The CMO and the victim filed a complaint in the police station pool has demanded appropriate action.

Maneti village resident Sonu Yadav said in his complaint that he Basduda PHC Jnmpraman his son was enrolled in a letter to his son. After completing all the papers did not even enter the workforce. When asked the reason of Rs.500. Refuse to throw away his papers and misbehaved. This then led to the assault occurred on the young man objected. Proper investigation of the incident the victim has demanded action against the guilty.

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